Business Analyst - Quiz

1. You are trying to gather quantitative data in your survey. What should you do?

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is A.

2. Which two meeting roles should preferably NOT be the same person in a Requirements Elicitation session?

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is B.

3. What are the key elements when conducting elicitation activities?

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is C.

4. Which statement about how User Interfaces (UI) and prototypes help with requirements elicitation and documentation is LEAST true?

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is D.

5. The success of a Requirements Workshop is highly dependent on the expertise of which role(s):

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is A.

6. Which of the following statements best represent BABOK elicitation techniques?

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is B.

7. Which of the following is an advantage of prototyping?

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is C.

8. Successful interviewing depends on all of the following general factors:

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is D.

9. Which of the following can help you prepare for a requirements workshop?

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is A.

10. Which of these statements about the business analyst is true?

You have answered wrong: The correct answer is B.

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